Universal Tailors

Suit Care during Bangkok’s Rainy season

Bangkok’s rainy season has begun, it’s time to think about what you will do to keep your custom suit in shape. This is especially important if you’ve opted for a fine fabric such as mohair or a cashmere blend.

The most obvious advice for suit protection during rainy season is: always bring an umbrella! Don’t consider the umbrella just a tool, though; treat it as a fashion accessory and make sure its color and shape flatters your suit, whether black, navy or gray. Like the bowler hat of old, an umbrella was once a staple in every gentleman’s wardrobe.  Buy a solid umbrella that has a good handle so you can carry it like a cane. Even if it doesn’t rain, an umbrella makes a nice accessory for a suit.

Secondly, invest in a trench coat or Mackintosh that looks good over your suit. It’s not difficult to match a suit with a trench coat, since the two garments seem to have been made for each other. Take a look below.


Wear galoshes over your dress shoes to protect them from rain. Galoshes are over-sized, usually rubber shoes, that slip over your regular shoes to keep them from getting wet. You only need galoshes for heavy downpours or in areas with lots of standing water. If there’s only a light rain shower and you’ll just be outside for a few minutes, you probably won’t need galoshes.

Take a cab or use public transportation to avoid walking in the rain in a suit as much as possible. If you don’t have your overcoat or umbrella, keep your suit as dry as possible.

Lastly, what do you do when your suit gets wet? Let the wool breathe by hanging it on a contoured hanger away from heat sources. The hanger will support the natural shape of your suit, including the jacket shoulders. Whatever you do, avoid stress on your suit’s woolen fibers by throwing out all your wire hangers.

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